One of my recent prayers for us at Ever Thine Home has been that God would grant us favor in helping believers grow in our awareness of the importance of Easter. We put so much energy, money, time, and effort into Christmas, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But, by comparison, we spend very little time, very little money, very little energy, and very little preparation to celebrate the greatest moment of history, which is Resurrection Sunday.
I’m hopeful that, over the course of time, we can help believers understand the importance of this holiest of holidays, the magnificence of what Christ has done for us, and then help all of us find some new and fun ways to celebrate the Resurrection.
My friend Dannah Gresh says, “Traditions are like glue, they strengthen parent child bonds.” Therefore, the more our kids understand the truth of why we celebrate, why we do what we do, the more it becomes embedded in their hearts and in their souls. Meaningful traditions help them understand: “This is important! This has to mean something; otherwise, Mom and Dad and the other adults wouldn’t have made such a big deal about it.” We all need new and meaningful ways to establish traditions at Easter.
When our children were little, I remember wanting to make more of Easter; but I didn’t really know what to do. I was so busy and overwhelmed that even though I had good intentions I never accomplished what I’d wished for at Easter. After our kids left home, I finally had the time and the freedom to be able to think creatively, “What would I have liked to have had, when I was a mom, raising kids?”
One of those ideas is to follow along with us on our blog and on our Facebook and Instagram accounts. During Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday, we will be reflecting on the person of Jesus. Each day we will share a different I AM name that Jesus used to describe Himself. Along with the I AM name, we’ll explore all that name means for us today, how that description and person of Jesus affects our homes and hearts this Easter season.
It’s so easy. You’ll want to gather your family up and read through the daily post each morning or dinner time. Try it around the breakfast table before they leave for school. Use it as your dinnertime conversations or your bedtime story. Each I AM post can be in one or two minutes but re-centers our focus on getting to know Jesus, the Savior, who we’ll celebrate on Resurrection Sunday.
Our hope is that this easy to do resource gives moms and dads a way to deposit a dose of spiritual thinking in your child’s hearts each day. It sets the tone for the day, and it allows you, as parents, to engage your kids in the meaning of Easter on those days leading up to Easter.
As you lead your children into thinking about the last week of Jesus’ life, you never know how God might use those Bible truths in their hearts. It’s a way to spiritually invest in your children, making much of Easter week. We hope you join us in making Holy Week a preparation for the greatest event in history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Would love to see the Holy Week Advent material. This link does not contain it How can we see the printable please?
Hi there,
I’ll look into and see if I can get it for you. Thanks for letting us know.
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I downloaded the candle labels, and I can’t wait to start using them with our children. Is there a way I can get the Holy Week devotions without using FB or Instagram? Thanks!
Hi Kristen,
So glad you downloaded the candle designs. You can get the Holy Week Devotions here: — They will also be distributed via our blog so make sure you sign up for our e-mails! :)
I just listened to today’s broadcast and was praising The Lord for resources that you are offering for free that I could share with unbelieving young families. The timing was perfect as 2 young unchurched couples have invited us this Wednesday to join them for dinner.
But now I am frustrated that the website has not been easy to navigate, and even a phone call to your help center could not locate the free downloadable resources “I’m encouraging parents—as a way to supplement the free
downloadable content / the devotional you can do with your families—go buy seven
inexpensive pillar candles just about anywhere. We also have downloadable labels that
you put on each of the seven candles that are the seven “I am” names of Jesus from the
Book of John: “I am the bread of life,” “I am the light of the world,” “I am the true vine,” “I
am the door,” etc. You label each one of these seven candles with one of those seven
Please email me the 7 candle face sheets and the “2 minute daily devotionals” that I could print out and share with these young families.
I am thankful for your programming but disappointed in what seems to be buried treasure within your marketed items.
Hi Karen,
Thank you for your feedback and we apologize that they were so difficult to find. They were supposed to be easily and readily available for listeners via the FLT website. You can find all of the downloads requested here:
Holy Week Advent:
“I Am” Candle Designs and “how to”:
I enjoyed listening to the March 19th Daily Broadcast this morning from Family Life Today with Barbara Rainey sharing ideas for emphasizing the true eternal significance of Easter/Jesus’ Resurrection with our families. (I was just talking to a Sunday School class yesterday about how Christmas pretty much gets all the attention/focus, but we need to find ways to show the huge significance of Easter.) In the broadcast this morning, Barbara mentioned a free seven day devotional we could do for Holy Week beginning Palm Sunday and 7 candle labels we could download for free and make DIY-style at home. Could you please email and/or post the direct link to that devotion mentioned as well as to the 7 candle labels? There IS a link to print 4 candles but not the complete week’s worth and I don’t see the text for each day of Holy Week. I believe she must have been referring to the “I Am” devotions mentioned here, but it would be nice to have the text in advance as well as the seven labels mentioned so we can make them beforehand, too. Thank you very much.
Hi Mollie,
Thank you for your feedback and we apologize that they were so difficult to find. They were supposed to be easily and readily available for listeners via the FLT website. You can find all of the downloads requested here:
Holy Week Advent:
“I Am” Candle Designs and “how to”:
Wonderful ! I don’t use Facebook or Instagram so could you put the names in your ever thine home email? Thank you and God bless you.
Thank you for impressing the importance of Easter and trying to set new traditions.
Hi Cheryl — So glad you want to use the Holy Week Devotional. You can find a printable version here: or you can follow along via our blog posts. They will be sent out next week.
I, too am not on Facebook or Instagram. I’d be very interested in receiving e-mails instead.
Thank you,
Hi Jill — So glad you want to use the Holy Week Devotional. You can find a printable version here: or you can follow along via our blog posts. They will be sent out next week.
Thank you for helping busy families make Jesus the center of our daily lives. Like others, I am not on social media but would like to use your post to help my family stay centered on Jesus. We are reading the countdown nightly and would like special emphasis placed on Holy Week. Is receiving the post via email possible? Thank you again and may God continue to provide you with the spiritual fortitude to share His word.
There are a number of us not in social media every day is it possible to put an email link I would like to recommend it to all the parents at our church .
Hi Cynthia — So glad you want to use the Holy Week Devotional and share it with the parents at your church. You can find a printable version here: or you can follow along via our blog posts. They will be sent out next week.
Wonderful ! I don’t use Facebook or Instagram so could you put the names in your ever thine home email. If you could send I would love to write them on cards and hang them each on twine in the kitchen so I can look up and think about each name as Easter approaches! Thank you and God bless you.
Thank you for impressing the importance of Easter and trying to set new traditions. Hanging the names for the month before Easter is going to be my new Easter tradition.
Yes! This sounds wonderful!
Wonderful ! I don’t use Facebook or Instagram so could you put the names in your ever thine home email. If you could send I would love to write them on cards and hang them each on twine in the kitchen so I can look up and think about each name as Easter approaches! Thank you and God bless you.
Thank you for impressing the importance of Easter and trying to set new traditions. Hanging the names for the month before Easter is going to be my new Easter tradition.
i’d love a copy sent to my email as well thanks!
Thank you for gently pointing us back to Jesus so we can gently point our families back to Jesus and what He has done for us. It is so easy to let other things, sports, activities, etc. distract us from what is eternal. I really appreciate your ministry so much. My children are all grown and though I have invited all five of them over for Easter only one has committed to coming and celebrating with us.
I just want young Mom’s and Dad’s to teach their children what is so important and live it out. I regret that we let other things crowd out serving others, and family time.
Great idea. Thanks for letting us know how to do it. I have always envy of families who have grandparents to share their ideas with them. I can use all your ideas in my family. Thanks