A sweet friend has been struggling with her childhood and what she experienced from her parents. Like many of us when we become adults, get married, and begin raising our own families, she sees clearly as a mom of two all the mistakes her parents made. I understood because I felt the same way […]
Read MoreAs a nation and world we have learned a hard lesson in the last eight weeks of the Coronavirus: the fragility of so many of our parents and grandparents. Seeing the hundreds of caskets in images on screens large and small has been a sobering reality. The occupants inside those wooden boxes: a generation […]
Read MoreWhat are you getting your dad for Father’s Day? It may seem odd to still get your dad a gift now that you’re a grown child. Sure, your dad isn’t out in the backyard throwing you pitches these days. And he’s certainly not waiting for you in the school pickup line. He’s not the one […]
Read MoreIt was past eleven this past Monday evening; my children’s fingers curled limply around the edges of their mattresses, and my husband contentedly read in our bedroom. But my legs were crossed Indian-style on our thinning rug in the living room, the glow of a screen reflecting on my face: time to talk with my […]
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