In the first year of our marriage, Dennis and I made an unintentional and yet very serious mistake, one that inflicted profound disappointment on two very important people. The rolling, repeating waves resulting from our mistake washed over onto us, too, and the drying out took longer than we ever imagined. Like most newlyweds Dennis […]
Read MoreWhen our adopted daughter was in her late teens I was spent, not just by our journey with her but also from parenting all six of our children for so many years. In addition, my heart was wounded by the fallout and heartache, and my body was deeply fatigued from the burden of unrequited love. […]
Read MoreWhen our six children entered middle school and the teen years my prayers for them increased in focus and intensity. In fact, I started two prayer groups of moms which met weekly during the school years on Monday mornings. In the first group we prayed for teachers, tests, and friendships. We prayed that our kids […]
Read MoreWe women know well that comparison is a constant nemesis. But did you know that our daily measuring of ourselves has created a collage of ideals, an image of perfection, a phantom “me” within that can haunt us? One day I pulled a cute shirt out of the corner of our closet where my spring/summer […]
Read MoreYou know the name George Washington Carver, right? You know he invented a crazy number of products from the lowly peanut. But do you know that he talked to God constantly as he worked in his laboratory? His conversations went something like this: “Lord God, you made the peanut. You know every molecule. You know all […]
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