Do you ever feel like I do … weary, broken, bewildered? Do you ever feel beat up by the world, by circumstances, by life in general? Do you ever feel like your brain is clogged, in a fog, unable to form words, at a loss for what to pray to God? No words make sense? […]
Read MoreAt age 28 I experienced my first significant encounter with a side of God that was as unknown to me as the dark side of the moon. Up until that day my life had proceeded “normally” in the light … until one fateful June morning. One bright summer morning in early June, enthusiasm for a […]
Read MoreI have only flown first-class twice, and in neither case did I pay for the premium seats. I was bumped one time because I was flying with someone who was a diamond/platinum/other-fancy-metal frequent flyer, and the other time because my wife, Stephanie, was pregnant. I won’t pay for these upgraded seats for two reasons—I’m too […]
Read MoreOf our two sons, one was more athletic, while the other was more scholastically inclined. The younger son’s first word was, “ball.” The older one started reading before age five. They could not be more different. Instead of playing basketball for hours on the court Dennis built for the boys (because that’s what he did […]
Read MoreAs we approach Christmas, I’m wondering today if you are feeling lonely or troubled or disappointed. The week after Halloween this year I was in a retail store which was playing a Christmas song … too soon already … about the holidays being the best time of the year. It wasn’t a familiar tune so […]
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