A week ago we were in a group sharing some of what is going on in our lives. Dennis and I were amazed at the difficulties others were dealing with from chronic pain to a prodigal child and aging parents to marriage struggles. Afterward we said to each other something about how grateful we are we aren’t in the midst of those kinds of trials. At the moment. Dennis said, “we’re in the eye of the storm.”
Life is a storm. We just think it’s supposed to be smooth sailing.
In a Christmas devotional I read, “For, we too, like Jesus, who was called the Man of Sorrows, are meant first for suffering and then for glory.” We get that backward, too, looking for glory first and doing everything we can to avoid suffering now or later.
Christmas Day is like the eye of the storm. For one day the world slows. For that one day a breath of calm descends. Not that it is without choppy waters for being with people, even people you love, can bring suffering and pain. Even on Christmas Day, for perfect days cannot be found or created on this broken planet. But God graciously gives us times of calm in the storm of life. When we are in one of those seasons or even when given a single day we must humbly give thanks. And when the eye of the storm passes and the gale returns we must give thanks then, too, knowing with Jesus, “the ship won’t sink and the storm won’t last forever.”
May you savor the moments of calm that He gives this Christmas, gifts of His grace poured out from above, because He is Christ the LORD!