Sprucing up our porches and entryways with the arrival of each new season is refreshing. It breathes hope into our homes. But that bright spring wreath isn’t just to add a nice homey touch to our front doors; our home decor should also bring hope into our souls.
It’s our responsibility as believers to decorate with meaningful truth. Deuteronomy 6 instructs us to keep God’s words and commands ever before us: “You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Essentially, you need signage that reminds you, your family, and your guests Who your house belongs to and Who it is anchored on.
As women we want our homes to be beautiful and warm places to nurture our families. But as believers we know we need more than simply beauty on our walls; we need meaningful truth displayed all around our homes. As Easter approaches, and spring is on its way, now is the perfect time to declare your faith through seasonal touches around your home.
Then a question from a sweet little one over Thanksgiving stopped me right in my tracks. “Mimi, why do we decorate a tree?” As usual, the answer was good for me to think about, too, because it’s not just to celebrate Christmas, I realized.
Sometimes I get to Easter — any holiday, really — and I realize that I’ve fully invested myself in making memories with my family, teaching them the lessons to be gleaned from the holiday, and creating a prepared place for my friends and family to thrive with sweet times together. But inside, I feel hollow, somehow like the holiday has run past me. Or over me.
The way our world currently celebrates the Easter season doesn’t exactly foster time to meditate on the real miracle of “God’s sacrifice for us.” So I decided to carve out some time last weekend to start the season truly prepared. I want to start Easter in my heart before everything else with spring warmer weather busyness blossoms.
It’s most important for me to worship God for what He did in this season. Looking to Mary, Jesus’ mother, I see how she treasured a special season in her heart in the way that she treasured the things she saw. As the woman who shapes our family’s Easter story, I must set the tone in my home at Easter that way—in worshipful remembrance and adoration of the Savior who died for us. I want to help myself and my family do that by putting in front of us the things we need to see.
I’m filling my halls and entryway and kitchen with beautiful pieces that adorn my home well but also prepare my heart well.
Lord, help me put you on display for all to see in my home. In my actions. In my words. And even in my décor.
Tracy, thank you for this beautiful post. I so enjoy taking time to read it. God bless you & keeping running. Love from St. Augustine, Kristy
This is amazing !!!!!
So pleased my friend introduced me to this site.
Love it
Yay, so glad! :)
Thank you I have let the business of ministry to cheat me from decorating my home for decades . It’s never too late to start ! Thank you for your post. Being responsible for the way my home is decorated? Let me get to be a doer.