Nothing is certain in this life.
My expectation that babies should be born into thriving health was buried with my beautiful granddaughter, Molly, who died at only seven days old.
My assumption that good, not perfect, parenting blanketed with generous prayers would produce well adjusted young adults died when our prodigal left home, abused drugs and lived on the streets for a time.
Joblessness. Suffering. Theft—these also were not listed on my agenda for my children.
Though I wake up every day with a to-do list, the truth is that we “do not know what tomorrow will bring” (James 4:14). Our uncertain world is experiencing certain “birth pains” (Matthew 24:8) in the form of natural disasters and the increasing upsurges of terrorism, war, disease and a spreading evil, like clawing fingers.
In my mind, the words substance, mountain and anchor all speak to One who is immoveable and weighty—the densest of ballasts that fixes my soul even when the earth roils and sways. Did you know that this symbol of an anchor has symbolized Christian hope since the time of Christ? How I need the assurance of hope that all will be made right one day—that the impenetrable Rock of Christ will steady my faith when life sends trouble and uncertainty my way.
May your day be steadily governed by peace that comes from a soul-level knowledge that the Anchor of our faith, Jesus—the Unshakable One—cannot be moved.
I invite you to learn more about why Jesus is our anchor in His Savior Names, our 2014 Adorenaments.
December 1st 2014. Just heard you on the radio this morning as I came home from work(work 12hrs night). As I passed through my neighborhood I was thinking of how much baking I had to do.Thanks to you,that will not happen. I know some one will tell me how they missed that bread or cake. My youngest is in college(second year)but I have 2grand boys 5&7.Thanks to Jesus He has given me a second chance and thanks to you for sharing the gift. Over the holidays,when they are out of school and I’m off,I will pick them up or have them spend the nights which they love and we will be bussy not baking but thinking and doing Jesus things. You just took me back to my simple beginnings. I grew up in Uganda and Christmas then was about caroling, church not todays gilliters and shoping. I remember my mom on Christimas day she would wake up singing christmas songs and giving us a new outfit and shoes,we in turn passed on clothes that did not fit any more to the sibling nest to us (we would have washed and ironed) Last year my theam was family and the fruits of the Spirit now you gave me a new idea. God is good and I thank Him for the blessings and you passing my war on the air!! He is owesme, Amen. Have a merry Christmas and God bless you. Agape
As we drive to my mom’s for Thanksgiving, I tucked in your book, Thanksgiving to Remember. Our kids are young adults and I am glad for your book and it’s wonderful reminders. Thank you
Thank you Lord, forgiving me of my sins and my many blessings and all you do for my husband and I. .
In Jesus Christ name
I pray,
Thank you, Roni!
Your honesty, your beautiful heart and godly wisdom encourages me more than you could possibly know. I wish I knew you in person, but listening to you on the broadcast, your books and now these messages have been powerful!! Thank you Barbara, and all the abundant blessings to you and your family this holiday season as you continue to honor and glorify Jesus!
Thank you, Karen, for your encouragement and your kind words!! I’m honored to have played a part in your life. Happy Thanksgiving!
Beautiful! He is our hope and our expectation!
He is indeed!