First, I want to say welcome to all of you who are new subscribers! Thanks for joining us in this quest to experience God more in our lives and in our homes. ❤🏠
Second, I’m delighted to share with you what’s ahead for Ever Thine Home and me, and I hope for you too!
Though the closing of the online store has had moments of sadness over the last year since I made the decision, I’m now truly excited to be moving on to a new chapter in this ministry God has clearly given. Discovering more of what He has in store is always a grand adventure.
What will remain unchanged is this: Ever Thine Home has always been about sharing God’s truth and encouraging one another in our faith journeys.
In the early years our products were mostly focused on teaching the Bible and sharing your faith with your children and family. While that will continue in a new venue (see below #1), I’m hopeful that in the years ahead we will broaden our vision to share what we are learning with your extended family, neighbors, friends, and even those we don’t know well through new opportunities.
Here are a few changes to watch for:
- Our store. While our online store with physical products will go away we are working to convert many of our products and content to digital formats and DIY templates to offer to our faithful customers via an Etsy store.
A friend challenged me several years ago to create a greeting card collection and we were never able to do it … so now is the time! We’ve now created two greeting cards already in the store; one for Mother’s Day and one for Father’s Day. Lots of other ideas are on the drawing board! Here is the link to the new Etsy store.
- Our blog. I’ll continue to write and post content on all the topics you’ve come to expect: marriage, parenting, family relationships, holidays, celebrations, and “Dear Barbara” topics. But I’m excited to write more on topics of faith as I continue to study the Scriptures and freshly encounter God and what He has to say about issues you and I face today. Some additional study opportunities are waiting and I’m hopeful God will provide a way for me to pursue these. Stay tuned on this!
- E-books. I love this idea my friend Jordan proposed to me. She and I will be developing these in a fun new format! We will be creating and sending to all of you at least two e-books during the remainder of 2021. The books will be relatively short for quicker reading and easier sharing with all the women in your life!
- Bible studies. Writing Bible studies has not been on my radar in the last ten years, but it’s another idea that will help you, your family, and your friends live out your faith with convictions. I’m hopeful about the idea and eager to give it a try. I have a series of blog posts on the Holy Spirit that may be the first body of content transformed into a study for you to work through personally or to lead with other women. What do you think? I’d love to hear from you.
As these are rolled out, I’ll be asking you for feedback on their effectiveness and for future topics that you’d like me to go to work on.
As you can see I am very expectant about this new chapter in my life and in our relationship as sisters in Christ. As I look to the future there is one non-negotiable that will never go away for me or for us as believers: Knowing God’s Word and as a result knowing God more and more.
Why is this more important than ever?
It is very clear in the Bible that Jesus is coming back. I’m reading a couple of textbooks on this topic right now. Though there is considerable debate on the details and meaning of the Scriptures related to this promise, Jesus words were quite clear: “I go to prepare a place for you … I will come again and will take you to myself …” (John 14:2-3).
Jesus also told us plainly to “be on the alert” and to “watch” in Matthew. He concluded a portion of His teaching by saying, “Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44).
I want to be ready and expectant when He arrives and be surrounded by as many of those I love as possible as we meet Him on that day!
I want that for you too.
Pray for me and our small team here at Ever Thine Home that we will continue to love God and share His Word with the world in relevant ways. It’s needed now more than ever.
Ever His,
Have loved being on your mailing list the last couple of years. We love the items we purchased from the store, and enjoy them during Easter.
You mentioned Bible studies. I look forward to this addition. I think it’s a wonderful idea, and a great place to start new growth.
Just wanted to say how much my family has been blessed through your ministries over the years! I will pray for you all as you move into these new ventures. With thanksgiving~
Jennifer Crawford Walker
Hi, Barbara – I am a new “empty nester” mom of a son who is heading off to college in August, and he is my “only child” at that! I also homeschooled him since birth through 10th grade. So, he was a SIGNIFICANT part of my life for many years. Now, I’m working at an elementary school as a Reading Tutor. And, I’m so grateful for that job because I love investing in young kids lives. My son told me, “Mom, you have invested in my life for so many years. Now, it’s time for you to invest in other kids’ lives.” Such a precious, yet “heartwrenching” statement, to hear from him. Yet, I go to work at my school each day finding myself “still” yearning to have the quality time/years I once had with my son. I’m just a case!! HA! HA! So, I say all that to say, that I will gladly welcome any of wisdom, resources, even a small group Empty Nester Bible Study course?? to possibly do with other empty nester moms like myself. Then, I’d also love your advice on how to one day transition into being a future mother-in-law, too! That’s a whole other season to prepare myself for, right?! Thank you so much, Barbara!
Thanks for your sweet comments. I have to run to a small group meeting but wanted to be sure you know I have an empty nest book you would find very helpful. And a bible study for you and other EN moms would be a great idea. Thanks for suggesting. I’ll make a note of that!
Hi Barbara, so glad to learn of your new plans. Your writings have always been an encouragement, so is the example that you are setting on how you are using this season of life so fruitfully. I look forward to more of your physical products and hope the Etsy store will include these in addition to digital products. Also look forward to your blog posts and Bible studies.
Thank you!
I wish you success in your newest endeavor. People NEED this kind of mentor-ship and caring. May God bring fruition and grace in your efforts.
Thank you!
love the idea for the Bible study, and especially on the Holy Spirit, looking forward to it!
God bless you, Barbara as you follow His leading onto new paths and through new doors. You are in my prayers as you transition. I am especially eager to see your greeting cards. Thank you and your husband for your impact for Christ in our world!!!
I love the idea of Bible studies! So many are moving away from the true Gospel. We need good biblically sound women to step forward in such uncertain times.
I love the idea of Bible studies! So many are moving away from the true Gospel. We need good biblically sound women to step forward in such uncertain times.
I love the idea of a Bible Study on the Holy Spirit. I look forward to it and the opportunity to share with others ! Thank you for your faithful ministry through all the seasons. I met you in 1985 at our first Weekend to Remember and God has richly blessed our legacy through all the seasons with the practical Biblical teaching from you and Dennis. Our next season is grand parenting in September!
I have a question how does Etsy work?
Hi Diana,
We are still figuring out what all we will offer on our Etsy store, but basically, you would purchase an item and then would receive it as a download that you can print and use at your disposal. We are hoping this will be a good transition for people as we move away from our physical store. Thanks for your interest!
Shawna Christy
Hello Barbara,
I am a longtime listener of Family Life and gain such new insights from your writing. Like you, I am a mom & and a grandmother. Your idea for a Bible study on the Holy Spirit is greatly appreciated. I have done some “Word “searching on my own but my study partner of 9 years & I would definitely purchase this and dive right in! Thank you for refreshing our spirits.
Thank you for writing! And thanks for the encouragement on the Holy Spirit Bible study!!!!
Watch for it!
Oh no. I have to say, I am so sad! I have loved purchasing ETH decor for my home over the years! Can I ask why the online store is closing down? All of the new ventures you are pursuing sound wonderful, but I will definitely miss the actual products for purchase!
Hi Kelcie!
We are closing the store bc it’s more of an investment in time and money and energy than we can do now without the help of the team we had at FamilyLife.
Hope you got most of your favorite things already and do watch the Etsy store as I hope we can fill it with many of the same eth products in new formats.
Appreciate your comments!
Knowing the store is closing, makes the items that I previously purchased from ETH hold even more meaning.Thank you so very much for all that you have done for me in my home in providing beautiful tools, to grow together in Christ, with the people I love the most. My favorite tools are the ETH conversation cards. At our family dinner table we use this often & it has been such a blessing. Perhaps, I will take them to my school & laminate them now so they hold up even longer. I look forward to your DIY & Etsy page. I am praying for you all, but mostly just so incredibly thankful for this ministry.
Love & Hugs from Florida,
You are so dear. You have been a GREAT encouragement to me. More than you know. Hugs, love and hope to see you again one day.