Have you experienced broken promises? Friends at school who promised to be friends forever didn’t keep their word? An employer promised you’d get the job but you didn’t? Politicians make lots of promises they don’t keep. And you know too many married couples who didn’t keep their promises to love each other forever.
There is a verse in the book of James that tells us not to doubt when we ask for wisdom, yet doubts are as common as the sand on the seashore. I freely confess I have doubted plenty of times. James says when we doubt we are like waves that crash on that sand, tossed to and fro. Wavering. And he is right.
Hebrews 10:23 provides the bedrock that can calm our wavering and doubt. It’s the word PROMISE! Since God is not like us, we can trust all of His promises.
One of my favorite verses in this same book says, “It is IMPOSSIBLE for God to lie…” (Hebrews 6:18). So, when we read the challenge to “hold fast our hope without wavering,” we know it’s possible because “He who promised is faithful,” meaning He keeps His word. Forever! Done!
When you feel like you are sinking, hold on fast to your faith because He promised.
When you feel like there is no hope for your future, hold on fast because He promised and He is faithful.
When your days are overflowing with mundane tasks that no one sees and your life feels trivial, hold on fast to Jesus because He promised and He will never leave you.
Print this free verse to help you and your family remember His promises are always true, because He is faithful and cannot lie.
-Ask your children to recall a time someone broke a promise to them.
-Ask your children to recall a time they broke a promise to someone else.
-As a family, thank God that His promises can never be broken.