We who live in America often repeat the pledge of allegiance to the flag as a way of saying we are all united. Likewise in marriage, it is always helpful to remember and even restate the promises we made on our wedding day. Just as remembering the promises ofGod helps us regain our focus, helps us remain centered on what is true, so remembering the promises of our marriages keeps the main thing the main thing. All of us get snared in ordinary difficulties and remembering what is true lifts our eyes to what matters most.
We are delighted to be giving away one of our “We Still Do” plaques to one of you! Comment here to be entered and proclaim your never-ending commitment for each other to all who enter your home. {Giveaway ends Thursday, 2/5 at Noon!}
We DO still do after 30 years!
But how about a Marriage conference for those of us who HAVE made it past the 10 year mark?
With seminars on keeping Christ first, keeping our marriage fresh? Serving the Lord with greater intentionality and with a Biblical perspective?
Even though we are not “young” marrieds we still want to keep this marriage Godly and based on Scripture..hoping a
“I still Do” conference will come along geared for “older” marrieds.
I always sign cards to my hubby with a simple, “Love, Kim” but I’m going to change it effective immediately to, “I still do! – Kim”. Thank you for the excellent idea!
The plaque is beautiful. It’s wonderful to see how your God-inspired business is growing, as evidenced by all the lovely items on your website! My husband and I have lived through two job losses, a move across the country and back, the death of our beautiful six-year old daughter, and a run-away teen….and we still do….close to 29 years now.
I would love this! It’s a great reminder! We are attending the Family Life Marriage Weekend in March I do think it takes a lot of God in your marriage! The corruption I see in our Government mixed with the required political correctness in the media, suppresses the truth and makes my heart hurt. Pray for our country and the safety of our children and grandchildren and leave it in the hand of the loving God who is worthy of all trust and the giver of peace.
Great product and great site. I wish I had the blessing of Family Life when we were first married. It would have saved a lot of heartache! But God is faithful as He delivers us in His timing! We have gone from down and out to happily married with six children.
We would love this reminder of our covenant in our home. Thanks for the contest.
Beautiful plaque!
As a young lady and newlywed of 5 months, I have been so encouraged by Barbara’s blog and by praise fm. Just starting out in marriage, my husband and I have been intentional about learning to do marriage God’s way instead of listening to worldly influences. We would love to hang this plaque in remembrance of our wedding day where we committed to loving each other selflessly and with Christ as our foundation.
What a nice plaque! Thanks for creating beautiful things for the home!
My husband and I have been married over eight years. Since we hung up our vows on the wall of our living room, we are considering hanging this “We Still Do” plaque with it. We are enjoying the holiday decor we have purchased so far from Barbara and look forward to purchasing more in the future as our budget allows. We also listen to Family Life on the radio as often as possible, and the programs encourage and help us along the journey of our marriage. God bless you!
I would love to have this! I think I would place it on a table next to our photo as a witness to all who enter our home that yes, we still do after 17 years and counting!!!
“We Still Do”
Thank you for the reminder Barbara. I’ve been catching up on FamilyLife Today broadcasts and just got done listening to your “Early Years of Parenting” and your website was mentioned on the broadcast. My husband and I were blessed with a little girl last October. She has been my joy but the early weeks and month were difficult. Similar to your story described on the broadcast… I felt trap sometimes and the bathroom shower was my getaway at times. I’ve been so focus on our newborn that at times I’ve felt I’ve neglected my husband. I’m glad that I was directed here as a reminder to keep what is most important in front.