Your Home Is an Embassy, Part 3
Your home is an embassy of the Kingdom of Heaven in this world where we temporarily dwell. Though you are American, you are first and foremost a follower of Jesus Christ, a child of the King. We really belong to another time, another place, another King. While some days it’s hard to focus on the eternal and invisible, it’s more important than ever to root ourselves in a security that will last forever.
A popular ad for a leading hotel chain used to say, “We’ll leave the light on for you,” reminding travelers that any time of day or night the hotel staff would be up and ready to welcome the weary ones “home.”
Are you leaving the light on and the door open for anyone who might need a listening ear?
I’m inspired by a dear woman I saw in a video who sees her home as an embassy. I hope you will watch her story because seeing her welcome people to her little home makes me want to visit her myself!
She explains she is always available for anyone who might stop by. Some friends and family call ahead to schedule their visits; others drop by unannounced when the day gets too long and too hard without the support of a friend. The homeowner claims that the drop-ins are the best visits because she knows she must rely solely on the Holy Spirit’s leading, as she listens, consoles or encourages her visitor. Because she cannot fluff everything before the unannounced visitors arrive they feel an authentic connection with a real person who welcomes them with genuine affection.
May I encourage you to pray and ask God how you can communicate an open door policy in your home?
It is not easy in this world that feels increasingly full of evil. It wouldn’t be safe for your family to literally leave the door open and unlocked, but if you have an embassy plaque on your front door might that be an invitation to a neighbor who needs to talk about her struggles?
If you do leave the light on, literally, might that warm glow welcome someone who needs to hear about Jesus?
With God nothing is impossible, so I challenge you to ask Him how you can be His ambassador and use your home as His embassy. Making a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea is not hard, so begin thinking about a simple way to use your home as an embassy and your life as His ambassador.
Just a few weeks before her death at age 89, Vonette Bright, who was dying of leukemia, said to her helper that day, “I wonder who God has for me to talk to and encourage today?” I readily admit I don’t ask God this question nearly enough.
Will you join me in asking our God who we can encourage each day?
Check out this clip of our friend Gloria Furman, a pastor’s wife living in Dubai, sharing how she is doing this.
If you’d like to hear more about using your home as an embassy, tune in to this week’s FamilyLife Today broadcast to hear Dennis and Barbara share about their home.
Download/print this free PDF for a little reminder throughout your day.
Part 1: Love Your Neighbor: Your Home Is An Embassy
Part 2: How To Be Hospitable When Hospitality Isn’t Your Thing
Part 4: Use Your Home for Influence
Part 5: Decorate With Meaningful Truth
I forwarded this onto our sm grp director. Love it.
I love family life
thank you Kristy for all your comments to us! We read them all and I’ve enjoyed seeing your name several times. It’s an encouragement and joy to know you are benefitting from our work!
Blessings to you!
For 14 years my husband and I have welcomed international exchange students into our home. They see us show kindness and friendship, forgiveness and reconciliation. Not one young person who has lived life with us has gone home without the knowledge that Jesus loves them deeply.
Very well said!!
I want to be like Vonette! Thanks for the encouragement and beautiful printable.