I don’t know about you, but to me it feels as though October dragged by a bit and now November is racing ahead and we are only two weeks from Thanksgiving! I feel like every year stores are putting out their Christmas decorations earlier and earlier and Thanksgiving gets glossed over. One of the things I have always tried to instill in my kids–and now my grandkids–is the importance of Thanksgiving and how significant this holiday is for our country and, more importantly, for us as people of faith.
This Thanksgiving season, to help you and your family celebrate this day, I want to share the audio version of a story I wrote many years ago, Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember. As a history major many years ago, I loved digging into the history of this story and writing about it through a Christian lens. I hope you take some time today to listen and are able to incorporate this story into your family’s celebration. You can listen here or on any major podcast platform. The podcast is a two-part series, but you can listen to both today! And please feel free to share this with your friends and family. I hope you are encouraged by this story!
I wanted to extend this special audio version of the book, Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember as a GIFT. We are so pleased to share it with you. Because of generous donations from listeners like you we are able to make this podcast available for FREE to anyone. If you enjoyed this podcast, would you consider making a donation to help support the ministry of Ever Thine Home? Go here to make your gift to help us continue the ministry of ETH.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ever His,