I was my children’s savior. So many times I scooped up a little one about to face plant, or rescued a bigger one from pain with Neosporin and Band-Aids and hugs. Car seats, seat belts, and filters of all kinds were my tools—weapons against lurking dangers.
But children grow up and moms can’t protect or save anymore.
What a wonder to introduce them to Jesus, to place their hands in His. My ability to rescue is so limited, so very inadequate.
I love all the repeated “Fear not” verses in the Bible. God knew I needed to hear His reminder as much as my children needed to hear me say, “I’ll be back soon,” every time I left them in the church nursery. I didn’t mind saying it over and over because I loved my little ones dearly. They meant the world to me. I delighted in them and wanted them to never forget my promise was trustworthy. I never wanted them to be afraid.
So my loving Father, who delights in me and wants me to rest in Him, reminds me of His saving nearness with these words: “Fear not … for I am with you to save you” (Jeremiah 30:10-11).
“I am with you, I am with you, I am with you,” He’s repeated to me.
The most famous poem in the world includes the line, “I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4).
He is with me, He is with me, He is with me.
I don’t have to fear being alone. My children don’t need to fear being alone. No one who has welcomed Jesus into their heart is alone. Period. His presence is inside of us.
He promises to be with us…in the dark. In the daylight. In the quiet. In the loud.
He will never leave us.
In the hard. In the easier. In sickness and in health, too for He is our husband (Isaiah 54:5).
He will never leave us.
Print this verse or letter it yourself, or write it all across one wall of your house if necessary, to remember every day in every circumstance: “Fear not, I am with you to save you,” declares the Lord!
Please click the link below to download and print:
Thanks, Barbara, for your continued involvement with sharing Jesus with others. I appreciate your transparency and relevancy! You are a caring Mom to many! So glad you and Dennis did not totally retire…at least not for long! You may be busier than you like but God provides! During these unusual times, it’s reassuring to know that God is in charge and we are not! Thanks for being real! In my experience, it’s easier to see God’s hand looking back rather than when we are in the midst of uncertain times! Judy Laswell
Thanks for writing and for your encouragement to keep going!
Blessings to you!
Just this morning I read the chapter entitled Knowing an Ever-Present God in David Jeremiah’s book, The God You May Not Know. Highly recommend to anyone who is looking for more confirmation of what you have said in this blog. It’s a wonderful, comforting truth that He said over and over again in Scripture…”Do not be afraid, for I am with you.” To Moses (Exodus 3:12), to Joshua (Joshua 1:5-6), to Gideon (Judges 6:12), to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:8), to the disciples (Matthew 28:18-20), and many more between. And because He lives inside of us as believers, He again is saying “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.” Always.
What a great reminder of key verses reminding all of us of His never failing Presence!!! So encouraging.
My heart so needed this reminder today….thank you so much for posting it!
Even though one of our sons is now with Jesus with the fourth anniversary of his Homegoing is approaching on August 4, I know that Jesus is with me no matter what and that He will NEVER leave me. He has carried our family so tenderly since that day and continues to remind us of His goodness, faithfulness, and care for every detail of our lives. I’m so thankful we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our Jared is with Jesus and we will see him again someday in Heaven. And until then, He is with me…..He will never leave me…..He is with us….He will NEVER leave us…..
Blessings to you!
I”m so glad you wrote. I’m very sorry about the loss of your son, Jared. I can’t imagine. But I’m encouraged by your faith that you are determinedly hanging on to His promised with us Presence.
Thanks for sharing your story with all of us.