The Gift of a Hard Season


Two weeks ago I shared a devotion from my dear friend Joanne. Today I want to share one from Susan. The three of us live in three different states and do a 3-way call once a month to catch up and then we do a lot of praying for each other in between. On our last call Joanne shared about Chasing Joy and Susan about The Gift of a Hard Season. I needed to hear both messages badly. And I suspect you do too.

So here is my long-time friend Susan–I met her before I was even married–sharing her thoughts on living in a hard season. Included is a video of her speaking on this topic which is excellent. I shared it with my daughter Laura who has since shared it with several of her good friends.

We need each other in this hard year of 2020. Susan and Joanne have been gifts to me in a season of hard seasons. I’m confident this will be good for you too.

The Gift of a Hard Season

Are you in a hard season?

I imagine most of us are.

Stuck at home, overseeing online school or homeschooling for the first time, trying to work remotely, worried about ill family members, tough finances, political unrest, disagreements with those whose views are different than ours.

We’re tired of each other and long for time with friends. Our emotions and schedules are on overload. Each day life seems to throw something else at us. We don’t know when this will end or what will happen next. It’s hard to plan for the future.

It feels like the world, or “our” world, is spinning out of control.

In the midst of this mess, we are tempted to wonder, “Where is God? Does He realize everything that is falling apart? Does He really care about all that I’m dealing with?”

We are not alone. Throughout history mankind has experienced really hard times. Life is hard. Most of us in today’s western world have been spared from the grievous hardships that others have experienced. We’re spoiled.

Jesus declares to us,

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

John chapter 16 is written for such a time as this.

There is good news.

God doesn’t leave us alone in a hard place. He promises to be with us. My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14) Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)



There is more good news. We don’t have to remain stuck in our hard place. God does not have us “on hold.” This time is not to be viewed as a waste.

Rather, this hard time can be seen as a GIFT.

As crazy as this sounds, I have 5 things to share with you which will enable you to view this hard time as a GIFT.

Recently I had a chance to speak to the young moms at my church about this very thing. Take half an hour to watch the video below — or listen to it while you’re doing dishes or folding laundry.

I hope it will encourage you.


Susan Yates speaks to Mothers – Sept 28, 2020 from The Falls Church Anglican on Vimeo.


Used with permission:

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