One of my favorite old hymns says, “Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon the throne…” Did you know the inspiration for the lyrics came from the book of Revelation where Jesus is described as wearing many diadems, or crowns? That verse also inspired me to create the 7 unique crowns, each with a different royal title of Christ, for last year’s His Royal Names Adorenaments. I loved them so much, and still do, that we had a charm made from one of the designs, with the idea that eventually we’d create them all for a beautiful charm bracelet or charm necklace.
Think about this with me. How many of us women have a cross or multiple crosses to wear on a necklace or bracelet or a key chain? Wearing a cross reminds us of Jesus’ suffering work for us for our salvation. How many of you own a crown with one of His names that reminds you of Jesus’ divine kingship? Well, I would love to share one with you and hope you will enjoy it and wear it as much as I do!
Jesus is the Lord, the sovereign ruler of all and one day He will literally reign as King on earth. Wearing my crown charm necklace reminds me who my King is, who I serve, to whom I owe my all.
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I love your creations and would like to order the crowns but am frustrated because I cannot get to the place to order.
Can you help me?
Love ALL your beautiful products! My tree is glorifying the Lord with all His wonderful names and the bright and shining star!
Thank you!
What a beautiful reminder to not only the wearer but also to all who see her who is King! Barbara,thank you for all your wonderful creations.
one of my all-time favorite hymns, too!!! Beautiful reminder!!
I love this necklace! It would ne a blessing to wear it and remember He is my King!
Love these… Seem on a website but lost it somehow. I am so in to CROWNS… Have done studies on the rewards of crowns… Life, Incorruptible, Rejoicing, Righteousness and Glory. It would be awesome to have one with His name on it!! Praise God. Have a Blessed Christmas!!
What a wonderful way to bring Christ back into the center of Chridtmas. A way to decorate our homes with the true meaning of the season and to add adornments of fashion to us his princesses, and his bride. Love it, love it!
Thanks so much for all the beautiful things you have created on your site to help us “fix our eyes upon Jesus” this Christmas. I shared several of the things I purchased from you, with my Bible study ladies during an evening of sharing ideas to bring God back into our holidays. They especially loved the Adornaments.
I love your website and all that you stand for! The necklace is another beautiful example of your products that glorify our God! Thank you!!!
I love, love, love Ever Thine Home! Just ordered my Christmas Names Adornaments and can’t wait to get them. I am so happy that someone shares my love of decorating my home beautifully with Christ as the Center. THANK YOU!! ~Mollie
LOVE the necklace and the meaning!!!
Beautiful necklace.
I ordered the ties for the napkins at thanksgiving and we all enjoyed them.
I love being reminded about being a princess of the King.
I just read Psalm 24 this morning. This reminded me of Psalm 24:7-10
Love this necklace and all the ornaments! Our tree looks great! Thank you for reminding us what Christmas is all about! God Bless!
I love this crown necklace! Thank you Barbara for high quality Christian products. For years I’ve lamented the cheap & plastic that seemed to represent them.
Thanks to Barbara for following the Spirits’s prompting and creating all these beautiful reminders of our Savior, God’s perfect gift. I love everything and have longed for these types of things for many years.
I would love to have every object you all are offering… but this crown is the perfect gift for my daughter, Claire, who is the youngest of our three daughters and has Down Syndrome. She is a very bubbly 23 year old who loves getting dressed for church every Sunday. Some of her friends have given her a dove and a cross with a “diamond”, so this would be a wonderful addition to her choice of necklaces.
I love what you are doing. I love spending the time in His Word. What a wonderful way to share God’s love, power and might through these ornaments and jewerly. Thank you Lord for Barbara, thank you for using her today to touch my life with your love.