One Word: Delight


Guest Post by Laura Rainey

I love the word delightful and use it at least once a day to describe something that I’ve done with a friend, eaten or seen. It is a word that, to me, perfectly encapsulates how I feel about an experience, person or tasty treat. To take delight in something or someone is to enjoy and savor. When we slow down and see that sunset as an artful masterpiece designed by our Father as a gift to us, to show us his love, we will be changed. When we take that extra minute at the grocery store and ask the clerk how he/she is doing, we take part in His delight because we are all His children. When we sit and reflect on the ways that God provides for us every single day, we will be moved to thankfulness. And when we choose to delight in exactly where we are, He will be pleased.

‘Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart’ is a scripture that I am sure most of you have heard and read before, probably multiple times. But even though I know this verse, I sometimes forget the value of truly delighting myself in the Lord. In the messiness of life, when I lose my job and housing, He is working ALL things for good. This very uncomfortable place with so many unknowns is the exact place where God wants me to be. Not a single moment is wasted and we often let our desires or need for control to become more important than delighting in Him.

But how do we truly take delight in the Lord? For me, to delight myself in the Lord is to slow down and rest in His faithfulness; to choose to see His hand in every circumstance both joyful and difficult; to be fully present with those around me for He is working in their life, too; and to see the little things as reminders of his lavished love for me.

In 2015, I hope to choose Him as my first delight more often than I did in 2014. I want to partner with Him to take delight in the people He has put in my life rather than have my enjoyment dulled by focusing on my circumstances. Most of all I want to delight in the large and small ways God is going before me. If I do that this verse promises me that He will grant the desires of my heart. Perhaps not in the way I would choose but if I delight in Him I will remember His ways are best for me and His timing is always perfect.

May it be a year of delight as we walk with eyes on Him first.

Free Delight Printable–Click Here

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6 thoughts on “One Word: Delight”


    Such a simple message yet so powerful. And when I say the word “delight” I can’t help myself from smiling. Thank you for sharing the blessing of this Scripture and may we delight in the Lord and sing praises to our King!

  2. am really blessed by this article and sincerely hoped that you will send this article directly into my inbox for reverence sake instead of coming to the site. thanks

  3. God gave me the word “delight” for 2015 and today I read your post. Love it. I have chosen to delight in the Lord and in my circumstances (whether delightful or not). In the Message, Matthew 3, at Jesus’s baptism, God says, “This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life.” My prayer is that God will look at me and say, “This is my daughter, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life.” Wow! Blessings to you!

    Elaine W. Miller

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