Valentine’s Day…it’s either a much anticipated holiday for some or a really tough day for others. But shouldn’t February 14th be more than just a day for couples to celebrate their romantic love? What would it look like if we focused on loving others well every day or all year? Who among us can claim proficiency in loving others well? Anyone willing to admit the need for a heart transformation?
Even though Valentine’s Day is over tomorrow, we are very excited about “How Do I Love Thee,” our new easy to use 14-day collection of cards teaching the essence of I Corinthians 13, the famous love chapter. Short stories of supernatural love help us see what it looks like. It comes with a chain garland with clips that can be used for kids artwork, photographs, birthday cards and dozens of other uses. I especially like the cute fabric pouch made to hold the cards and chain, because it can also be used as a makeup bag for your purse! It’s printed with verses from 1 John reminding us every day that we love only because He first loved us.
Love is essential every day, so if your family needs a touch of God’s kind of love, order “How Do I Love Thee” here and encourage love to take root and grow in your home today, this month and all year!