An Easter Prayer

04.01.15 (1)

Easter is a holiday whose subject is not pretty. Jesus was brutally beaten though He did nothing wrong.  He was executed on false charges and died. We celebrate this Christian holy day because the blood, agony and rejection was willingly chosen for our deliverance from sin.

And it’s personal. He died for me. For you.

We moderns do not like talking about sin and depravity and the necessity of a blood sacrifice preferring instead the sweetness of the Christmas babe with His angelic choir. But these two events, His birth and death are inseparably linked. Incomprehensibly Jesus came to dwell with us, so that He might die for us.

May you ponder these uncomfortable truths this week. Allow yourself to feel even a hint of His agony, His sadness, His pain, so that on Resurrection Day your joy might be greater. Remembering His shed blood for you and for me should lead to deeper gratitude, more eager surrender to His will, and greater contentment and trust in His providential rule of my life.

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen indeed!




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1 thought on “An Easter Prayer”

  1. Thank you for the encouraging words. I pray that God overwhelms his children with true understanding of the sacrifice, grace, and love He had for us in the death of His son. How beautiful and undeserved is that grace. If you have time, I have a poem about Gods love and His son’s sacrifice. God Loves You: A Poem Blessings to you!

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