Of our two sons, one was more athletic, while the other was more scholastically inclined. The younger son’s first word was, “ball.” The older one started reading before age five. They could not be more different. Instead of playing basketball for hours on the court Dennis built for the boys (because that’s what he did […]
Read MoreAt the end of a very full day teaching a huge crowd of people by the Sea of Galilee, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us go across to the other side” (Mark 4:35). It was evening … I can imagine the setting sun creating an ever-evolving landscape painting in the sky as wave lengths […]
Read MoreSix weeks before the big day, my daughter Laura began searching for the perfect invitations. After making her choice and addressing the envelopes, the invitations were on their way to friends and family, scheduled to arrive the requisite one month ahead. Then she began planning the details: searching for and finding the just-right plates and […]
Read MoreOnly one week after my 13th birthday I experienced my first big disappointment with God. As the oldest child and only girl in our family of three kids, I was first shocked and then thrilled when my parents revealed my mother’s pregnancy. I had always wanted a sister and this was my chance, so I […]
Read MoreAs we approach Christmas, I’m wondering today if you are feeling lonely or troubled or disappointed. The week after Halloween this year I was in a retail store which was playing a Christmas song … too soon already … about the holidays being the best time of the year. It wasn’t a familiar tune so […]
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