Of our two sons, one was more athletic, while the other was more scholastically inclined. The younger one’s first word was, “ball.” The older one started reading before age five. They could not be more different. Instead of playing basketball for hours on the court Dennis built for the boys (because that’s what he […]
Read MoreSeptember sunrises awaken with refreshingly cool air. Autumn sunsets showcase glory just past suppertime. Interrupting fall’s dawning beauty are marketing campaigns for new TV shows and movies which tell us the world is about to end as aliens invade and warming seas submerge our shores. And if you hear snippets of news at all […]
Read MoreWatching differences turn into divisions in our country over recent years has made me anxious. I wish I had an on-off switch for this constant malaise, this undertow, but alas I only have a dimmer. I know enough of my Bible to know anxiety is not what God desires. Jesus taught in the Sermon […]
Read MoreI was my children’s savior. So many times I scooped up a little one about to face plant, or rescued a bigger one from pain with Neosporin and Band-Aids and hugs. Car seats, seat belts, and filters of all kinds were my tools—weapons against lurking dangers. But children grow up and moms can’t protect […]
Read MoreWhen was the last time you were afraid? Was it yesterday or the day before? Maybe you have even felt fear today in one of its cousin forms: anxiety, stress, anger, nervousness, or hyper-vigilance to name a few. When we feel out of control, we are afraid. Sounds at night produce panic or wakefulness, […]
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