One Wednesday morning our Bible study leader asked us all to answer the same question: What are you passionate about for God and His kingdom? About 30 of us were present–young moms, middle age moms, new empty nesters and a faithful group of women in their 70’s. One by one came the answers around the circle, each becoming more specific and enthusiastic.
Not surprisingly the first few answers were a little predictable and safe: I love God’s Word, and I love studying it. All true because these women have proven by their faithful attendance over many years that they are in it because they love it.
But then came the replies that began to reveal to me the truth of these words: “for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
- “I am passionate about children, which is why we are foster parents.”
- “God has given my husband and me a deep desire to befriend and reach His chosen people the Jews. So we go to temple as often as we can to get to know them and help them see Jesus.”
- “I love babies, and it breaks my heart that women don’t understand that a tiny person with feelings lives inside them when pregnant, so my husband and I often go to abortion clinics to meet the women in crisis and try to find ways to help.”
- “I too am passionate about children. So my husband and I have started a ministry in our county, named The Call, to recruit other families to be foster parents so that no child in our county will ever be unwanted.”
There were many more, including my own which was, “I am passionate about God’s Word and His beauty, which is why I’m working harder than I ever have to create beautiful objects, worthy of His name, for women to use in their homes to proclaim His name and tell His story.”
By the time we finished, a sense of awe and worship was felt at the very individual ways God was at work in each woman’s life. I saw how the body of Christ can actually accomplish God’s purposes if each of us fulfills His design for our lives.
But it can’t happen if we get sidetracked by the enemy who wants us to compare and copy others. The glory of God is the wonder of His one of a kind calling and work in every believer. When we heard that Mary & Martha decided to launch the #nocomparedare this month, it was an easy yes for us! We have loved the freedom this challenge has brought in the everyday.
So would you join us in embracing His workmanship, His divinely ordered collection of gifts, talents, personality and yes, also the limitations He has given you? Listen for His leading and follow. He has plans for you that are for no one else.
And know that His purposes change and evolve with the seasons of your life. He is infinitely too creative to be rigid with your life!
I love that God has designed us each uniquely, and I want to embrace that. I will take the take the no-dare challenge. I want to listen to Him, and not to the voices of the poison-of-comparison. Thank you for all you do, and bringing beauty to our homes, declaring His glory!
I agree! Thanks for using your gifts so well for His glory! And thanks for reading the blog!
Thanks for writing! I loved reading how you processed your thoughts and came to a wise list of what you are passionate about. And may I commend you for a balanced commitment to your God and your family as first and foremost in your life. I know it comes with a price but while I have regrets about specific mistakes I made, I have no regrets about choosing God and family over my personal interests. Now in the empty nest I have plenty of time for growing my talents and gifts. And it’s very satisfying. May you know God’s favor and peace as you serve Him and your family.
I have given a lot of thought to this question. “What are you passionate about for God and His kingdom?” I so enjoy reading Barbara’s blogs and this time around I’m attempting to answer her.
Over breakfast with my husband, I shared with him this question. We passed around absolute truths and whitty cliche’s. We talked about what things are “not” to be passionate about. Understanding that God’s plans and purposes change from season to season is a very healthy perspective for me to remember; as change (& certain seasons) can be so hard.
I’m 35, a wife, a mother of 3 small children & I’m also a pastor’s wife.
And when we married, I had no idea that full time ministry would come a calling!
But, I believe the chief end of man is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
And, how incredibly humblying to believe He choose me to be His workmanship, created for good works in Christ Jesus, all things have been prepared beforehand and that I should just walk in them. Just a daily walk. Me, a pastor’s wife; funny, I didn’t see that one coming!
Therefore, after much thought, my answer is: I am passionate about presenting God’s love and God’s truth in the church. I feel alive when I serve God by serving my family. Behind the scenes, serving the Pastor (& his 3 children) on the homefront. At times, I feel like I am on a mission trip right here in America. After an exhausting day, when my husband comes home I want him to experience “Down Time.” My children, after years of infertility, how I long for them to know that they were always wanted and God has a special plan for each of them. Yes, our week is built around preparing for that special Lord’s day on Sunday. But, I truly enjoy preparing my home as a place of relaxation and safety for my family of five. What Joy there is to give God the Praises that are due His name through daily worship and service. “I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulnessand salvation. I do not conceal your love and your truth from the great assembly” Psalm 40:10