What a difference a few weeks make!
Earlier this month Dennis and I went to the farm (my mom’s birthplace that my brothers and I inherited after her death in 2020) for a couple days. We wanted to check on work we’re having done to make repairs and updates to the over 100-year-old house.
While we were there we had the delight of witnessing a surprise snowstorm blow through. We’ve never been there when it snowed, so it was a treat to watch and take photos. Here is what it looked like when the snow began on Friday night and on Saturday morning when the sun came out.
The spring snow covered most of our state and our daughter Ashley sent this photo of her son Isaac as it snowed at their house. He’s hilarious!
Answered prayer!
I wrote in one of these Friends & Family letters months ago about our need to find someone who can help me with so many things related to Ever Thine Home. I asked for prayers and many of you responded to say you were praying. THANK YOU!!
God has answered and I’m delighted to introduce you to Brandi Johnston who is officially our new vice president of marketing and probably lots of other things in time. Brandi is married to Dave, who is a pastor, and they have two cute kiddos. She started March 1 and I’m already so impressed and thanking God often for providing someone so capable and fun to work with.
Thoughts on our world
Though we are half a world away from the war in Ukraine, it’s still present with us every day. Living here in relative peace yet with daily exposures to the awful tragedy and destruction is a new experience as we all wonder what we would do were war to come here.
So many thoughts have come and prayers have been offered every day since it all began. I’ve prayed often for President Zelensky, whose name I didn’t even know a month ago. His remarkable courage and leadership, resolve and determination, has rallied the world. For him I’ve prayed that God will protect him and that he will come to know Jesus as his Messiah. He is Jewish if you haven’t heard.
We’ve heard through our Cru staff and others of some remarkable stories of God’s protection and provision for His people which is one of my prayers for the millions of Ukrainians. I so wish more of this hopeful news could be broadcast but our country is not presently very receptive to news about God and His work. But watching this has reminded me of a biblical truth that is God is always working (John 5:17) and no one is hidden from His view.
I’m sure you and yours are praying, too, for the situation and for all the people directly affected—especially the millions of refugees. Like you I also don’t know what to pray sometimes so I find myself praying the Lord’s prayer more than ever. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” is more needed than ever.
News from my backyard
In early April I’m speaking at a local church women’s retreat which I’m really looking forward to. My topic is “Cultivating Hope: Growing our Faith in Seasons of Disappointment.” If you live in the Little Rock area and are interested in attending, contact us.
I’m still studying really hard in my seminary class but learning a lot and finding it’s been really good for how I use my time. I’ve never lived by a daily schedule as tightly as I am now.
With Easter coming soon, the most important event of every year and of all time, I hope you will take time to look at the cute things we have in our Etsy store. I printed all of our Easter cards today and cut them to size to have then ready to mail to our kids since we won’t be with them this year. I also bought some sticker paper at Walmart and printed our Easter stickers today; they are also in our Etsy store. I cut them out and will include them in the cards to my children as a little Easter gift.
Happy Easter everyone!
Christ is Risen!