Decades ago a book was written, the title, The Upside Down Kingdom, I never forgot. Woven throughout its pages is this single thread: everything Jesus taught is foreign, feels upside down, to us living on this broken planet. His words to love those who hate you or to give thanks in all things feel, like so many parts of His kingdom, distinctly, uncomfortably unnatural.
Do you feel confused as I do by the unpredictability of God in your life and circumstances? A favorite phrase of mine was written by Paul to the Corinthians long long ago. He wrote, “we are…perplexed but not despairing.” (2 Cor 4:8) How often I have been perplexed by the ways of my God! I cannot count them all. And yet I’ve also been comforted to know that the paradox of perplexity is the normal experience of every Christian since the first century.
I love the words of this prayer because they remind me that the hard places of life, the valleys, are where I can see God more clearly than the easy places. It just doesn’t make sense to my brain but I know it is true. Somehow, when I am weak, then I am strong. And working toward what is not seen moves me closer into the Great Reality, toward what lasts most firmly and unshakably.
Will you pray this prayer this week? Maybe download it and frame it or post it somewhere to remind you to see your life from God’s vantage point.
Lord, I want to see. Open my eye, give me Your vision. Amen.