It’s been one of the most pressing seasons for our marriage.
We’ve been navigating a crux of major life decisions—only one of which included the continent we’d be living on. And our marriage that has been characterized by fairly fluid teamwork can at times be pulled taut by our diverging passions, longings, and reasoning.
“Stressed” doesn’t begin to cover it.
The most pleasantly surprising discovery of such a thin, exhausting stretch of marriage: Despite our completely opposing views, by God’s grace, we have remained (as Dan Allender calls it) intimate allies.
Bending intentionally toward the man I married, rather than emotionally curling up in isolation, can feel like a superhuman effort indeed at times (e.g. when I may or may not have wanted to throw a shoe in a husbandly direction). In fact, I feel like a superb marriage requires nothing short of supernatural intervention. Yet in our plethora of options, working to be even more married, more one flesh, is always a good choice.
1. Some of our marital stress is avoidable. As with any conflict, start with the “log in your own eye” prayer: Lord, expose the ways my sin is contributing here, and dividing us. Let me see the precious values in my life that have become too precious: more precious than Your commands and/or people.
2. Pray for positive memories and ways to serve, returning a blessing for an insult (1 Peter 3:9). With all that’s hitting your relationship, you need a little positive (or even neutral) equity, some good connection time in the bank. Pray for ideas to have fun together, specifically serve your spouse, and honor your him or her, even when your gut is roaring against it. Little gestures communicate you understand your spouse’s burden, and you still “see” him or her. You’re saying, This problem isn’t bigger than us.
3. Pray together. Choosing to pray together means you’re moving toward the same goal: God’s glory. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness”—and God will continue to tend to our other needs as well.
4. Pray for protection over your words. David prays, “Set a guard over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.” Ephesians 4:29 counsels us to speak only “as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who listen.” Is that the rule for your mouth? Ask that God would help you to discern each occasion, to talk things out when you’re emotionally healthy—not withered and irritated. There will also be times to grieve together; even then, “venting” is rarely useful. Talking honestly with each other doesn’t mean saying whatever comes to mind.
5. Pray for the character to choose “charitable judgments.” This means when you don’t have all the information, you choose to believe the best about their character. Think of Eli judging Hannah’s motives in the temple, assuming she was drunk—or the Pharisees assuming Jesus was from Satan: Often, we simply don’t have all the facts, and are destructive in our impulsivity to carry out “justice”. Ask God to help you always trust, always hope, always persevere in your love; to not be easily angered in those areas of anger from the past which carry sensitive triggers (1 Corinthians 13:5-7).
6. Pray for the courage to move toward your spouse, not away. Jesus prayed “that they may be one as [He and God the Father] are one” (John 17). Isolation helps neither of you. Choose to cling to each other rather than retreating to your corners.
7. Pray to be against the problem together, not against each other—and for the wisdom for real solutions. Peacemakers suggests isolating the issue (as a question you’re trying to solve, i.e. “Should we adopt?”) separately from your interests (“I want to protect our already paper-thin margin of time, energy, and finances.” “I want our family to do something courageous and compassionate.”) This helps you think outside the box for creative solutions. James 1:5 is my go-to in any dilemma: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” Pray that God—a.k.a. Truth (John 14:6)—will open your eyes to truth in this situation.
8. Ask for discipline in your mind. I am still constantly challenged by the standard of 1 Peter to have “unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” Honestly, my thoughts are where most of my disunity with my husband is kindled or stoked. Ask God to help you take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). As FamilyLife shares at its Weekend to Remember marriage getaways: Your spouse is not your enemy! Use Philippians 4:8 as the guardrails for your thought life when mulling over the issue(s). Are your thoughts true? Noble? Right? Pure? Admirable? Excellent? Praiseworthy?
9. Pray for gratitude—and renewed affection. David counsels his soul to “forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:2). My time in Africa has embedded in me that thankfulness is a game-changer in the middle of suffering. Thankfulness in my marriage helps me—like the Israelites at the Jordan, choosing stones to remember what God’s done—of God’s goodness the past road that stretches behind us as a couple; of the incredible gift God crafted in my spouse.
..23 yrs of solitary confinement..
I love your words of wisdom but for me I’ve stumbled upon your page seemingly too late.
How can I do any of these things with a man who has broken our marriage?
With Gods help I decided to forgive and work on our marriage in 2005 and to thank me he’s continued on this journey of now visually breaking our vows.
In December 2014 I caught him viewing things and we sought help but after dealing with this for 9 years my heart just can’t seem to trust him again in the way a wife should.
I feel like I’m just there physically and it’s killing me inside because in my mind only prostitutes do that. No one understands me and when I try to express my pain I’m quickly silenced and made to feel like the bad guy. I’m at a loss with this and feel terrible because our son and daughter haven’t lived in the loving home I once dreamed of for them.
Please pray for my soul, mind, and spirit. This truly has me in a place of total destruction emotionally and physically.
Thank you for putting this post together. We are in at a thin spot and I’m going to bookmark this page and use it to pray as often as I can.
Becky, it’s great to hear from you–though of course my heart hurts on your behalf, having gone through so many of our own. Praying for God’s perfect strength, wisdom, and comfort right now for you.
This relates to my relationship in so many ways, I thank you it’s as if my eyes have been opened. I will forward this over to my husband, very insightful thank you
Horita, I am so grateful that this met you where you’re at! Praying God uses it to bless your marriage.
This also describes my marriage in so many ways as well.Ty so much💜
Love Conquerors All
Well spoken, Aretta. May God give you everything you need to be a conqueror in all you’re facing.
I am not sure how I came across this, I’m quite sure the Holy Spirit. However, as a 2 year wife and mother I needed every single word of this. THANK you!
Alexis, I’m so thankful to hear this. I love how the Holy Spirit works! Praying God encourages you in your relationship today.
Thanks, Janel. Deep insights that can only come from the Holy Spirit. I need to cry out to God in those words. ….Thanks so much for sharing.ay God bless you in a special way.
Well, one advantage of writing is that God can work this into my heart, which I, too, desperately need. So grateful for your kindness today, Linda!
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Outstanding wisdom, thank you!
So glad you’re encouraged, Danielle! Thanks for the warm words.
Beautiful words of wisdom even for us old married folks who can still tumble into disharmony. Praise God for His word and the perserverence though the stormy seas of life as one bring closer intamacy.
Well spoken, Joan. Disharmony, I think, tugs at us every year of our married lives. The longer I think of it, the more I think unity is a supernatural gift. Thanks for your encouragement, and may God bless your marriage.